Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Teens & Technology, Families & Faith

ATTENTION PARENTS Parents are invited to join us for a discussion at the Diocesan Pastoral Center (2110 Broadway, Sacramento) on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 6pm about how the use of technology affects our family and faith lives. How can we teach our teens to be responsible online citizens? How can we, as Catholic families, strike a responsible balance in our use of technology? How does the use of technology effect our relationships in positive and negative ways? Can we strengthen our relationship with Christ on the Internet? Bring these and any other questions to this important and informative evening with other parents. Dinner will be served. Part of the evening will be a presentation by Mary Kay Hoal (St. James Parish in Davis & yoursphere.com). The event is co-sponsored by the Office of Youth Ministry & The Black Catholic Conference. RSVP to Kevin Staszkow at 916-733-0152 or kstaszkow@diocese-sacramento.org or Charlene Harris 916-733-0160 or bcc@diocese-sacramento.org.